
Strategic planning forms the foundation of our future 愿景, connecting our ambitions with practical goals. It guarantees that each decision we make plays a role in the development and vibrancy of our academic community. 通过认识机会, 期待挑战, 发挥我们的优势, we establish the groundwork for a college environment that is robust and flourishing.

Image depicting various text bubbles with statements about 圣保罗书院's mission, 愿景, 和价值观. Text bubbles include phrases such as 'developing students for meaningful engagement in our communities,' 'creating a community of inclusivity and care,' and 'empowering students to lead meaningful lives and careers.' The image reflects the college's commitment to anti-racism, trauma-informed实践, 和包容性.



Launched in September 2023 after a year-long collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, 创造更强大的未来2025 (CSF2025) is a three-year plan that leverages our century-long dedication to delivering quality education to our community. Positioned to adapt to the dynamic demands of today’s workforce, this strategic plan is imbued with our commitment to anti-racism and trauma-informed实践. CSF2025 outlines four 战略方向 to chart the College’s course to 2025 and beyond. 探索我们的进步, 策略, and the impactful changes we aspire to make, 深入研究这三个关键的资源.


Uncover the beginnings of our strategic plan, 创造更强大的未来2025 (CSF2025), through this news story that captures the excitement and collaborative effort that marked its launch in September 2023.


Navigate through the strategic landscape of CSF2025 with our interactive StoryMap. This visual guide provides a comprehensive overview of the plan’s key elements, 战略方向, and the trajectory it sets for our college’s future.


Delve into the details of our achievements, 策略, and the impactful changes we aspire to make by reviewing our 2023年度进度报告


年度计划 enables each department to set objectives, 概述可操作的任务, and demonstrate how they support College goals. It justifies budget requests and aligns allocations with strategic priorities.



The annual operating budget at 圣保罗书院 is a monetary plan aligned with Board policies and system procedures. The Finance Department aims to support the College’s mission through a budget process that secures long-term financial health. 


学院将进行规划, 预算, and decisions based on a commitment to the College’s budget planning principles:  

Principle 1: The annual budget is informed by the annual priorities established by the College. 为了使预算过程具有战略性, decisions related to resource allocation must be grounded in the annual planning process and support the identified college priorities.  

Principle 2: Budget development utilizes and prioritizes decision made from a data-informed process. 预算必须平衡. The planning of the annual budget must be done in a way that anticipated expenditures do not exceed anticipated revenue. Annual evaluation of spending patterns including a critical review of past spending decisions and the impact on strategic priorities is considered.  

Principle 3: All final budget decisions are based on a fair and equitable evaluation of both cost and strategic prioritization. 一旦预算获得批准, departments are expected to operate within the annual budget, unless unforeseen circumstances arise (e.g., state appropriations reductions, enrollment changes, unfunded mandates etc.)在一年内发生. If costs arise that were unplanned and/or unexpected, departments are expected to evaluate how the costs could be absorbed with current, available resources prior to requesting additional funds.  

原则4:保持透明, 及时的, 事实, and honest communication throughout the college community. The College will provide 及时的 information and updates about the budget and planning process including Shared Governance Committees, college-wide town hall discussions and department/di愿景 feedback.  

Principle 5: Focus on long-term strategic outcomes. Budget and planning requires a multi-year perspective on attaining strategic objectives, 优先事项和目标.  

Principle 6: Minimize the impact cost to students whenever possible. The budget is planned to limit the additional costs to students that may occur due to new initiatives and services/programs. Use of one-time funds to off-set these expenses are made whenever possible.


Please see the following budget resources for more information: